Total Logistic is a transport and logistic company that has been operating on national and international market from 1997. Total Logistic is a professional logistic service of any kinds of loads both in Poland and in Europe.

We ensure a complex consultancy in the range of transport, shipping and logistics. We specialize in organizing all the kinds of road transport, as well as in selecting the most secure and the most economic form of transporting the load via land way.

We put all the efforts in being effective, flexible and open to our Customers’ needs. Our many years’ experience on the market of transport and logistic services and the way of organizing undertakings, allows us to reduce the costs to its minimum, and achieve maximum profits for both sides.

The above contributes to the fact that we place ourselves on a high position among TSL branch companies. We care about the quality and punctuality of provided services, and any projects are realized with the highest precision and involvement of the whole TL team. Your satisfaction from the provided service and your future recommendations, are the best advertisement of our company.

We would like to thank everyone who trusted us and those who we will be honoured to cooperate with in the future. We believe, it will result in common benefits and it will strengthen the position of our companies on the market.

We look forward to your cooperation.

Ul. Osmańska 5, 02-823 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: (+48) 22 648 41 20; (+48) 22 648 41 25
Fax: (+48) 22 894 60 83
We provide transport and shipping services as well as we design logistic solutions in road transport in Poland and Europe.